In the episode of Seinfeld titled "The Frogger" Jerry and George discover a long lost Frogger machine that still has the G.L.C. George Louis Costanza high score of 860,000 of which George reminisces: "I remember that night. The perfect combination of Mountain Dew and mozzarella...just the right amount of grease on the joy stick..."
This essentially sums up what I call the coding buzz, for me it's the perfect combination of a good problem, private time to work on it, and just the right combination of caffeine and music. The coding buzz is what I live for, those narcotic moments of creative bliss when all other distractions and even personal problems melt away into the background and your mind and fingers become one with your editor begetting a symphony of code creation. It's a wonderful thing.
To really achieve the coding buzz one needs to have a level proficiency generally denoted with the quantity 10,000 hours, meaning that you need at least 10,000 hours of practice. It turns out that the coding buzz is what is called "flow". This is from an article on New Scientist:
The first is an intense and focused absorption that makes you lose all sense of time. The second is what is known as autotelicity, the sense that the activity you are engaged in is rewarding for its own sake. The third is finding the "sweet spot", a feeling that your skills are perfectly matched to the task at hand, leaving you neither frustrated nor bored. And finally, flow is characterised by automaticity, the sense that "the piano is playing itself", for example.
Flow typically accompanies these actions. It involves a Zen-like feeling of intense concentration, with time seeming to stop as you focus completely on the activity in hand. The experience crops up repeatedly when experts describe what it feels like to be at the top of their game, and with years of practice it becomes second nature to enter that state.
Exactly what happens in the brain during flow has been of particular interest, but it has been tricky to measure. Csikszentmihalyi took an early stab at it, using electroencephalography (EEG) to measure the brain waves of expert chess players during a game. He found that the most skilled players showed less activity in the prefrontal cortex, which is typically associated with higher cognitive processes such as working memory and verbalisation. That may seem counter-intuitive, but silencing self-critical thoughts might allow more automatic processes to take hold, which would in turn produce that effortless feeling of flow.
This is why after over two decades I still mostly like to work as a developer, admittedly not all of my career has consisted of those moments, but the times I found myself immersed in those types of projects both personal and professional has well been worth it. I frequently feel that I should have grown up at some point and tried to pursue the management track or a more formal architect position and I have contemporary colleagues that are VPs and CTOs, etc. However, every time I think about such a career path I realize how much I would dislike it and I would then have to let go of being hands on, I know there are probably cases of those types of positions where that is not the case, but you would have to find the right environment.
I have recently found myself in a pair programming environment and while there are some aspects of it that are ok, but I often find myself sneaking away to do the creative experimental work on my own. As an introvert I sometimes find it hard to pair. One problem is that there is a substantial skill differential between my teammates and me in that I am considerably more senior so that's a problem, thus I am not sure if my issues with pairing are truly accurate. Still when I need to build some complex functionality or refactor code that requires you to hold dozens of classes in your head, tasks that require intense concentration and that both require you to and reward you for being in the zone aka achieve flow, I just have trouble seeing doing this effectively with the added pressure of someone looking over your shoulder. I have spoken with developers who like pairing and perhaps it's an introvert/extrovert preference.
When I originally came up with the idea for this post I just wanted to talk about the euphoric bliss of the coding buzz but now I find myself in a situation that seems to be harshing that coding buzz, to put it in the parlance of our times. Coincidently I am writing this at time when the "group" approach seems to be coming under fire, most notably in an article in the New York Times entitled "The Rise of the New Groupthink" by Susan Cain which includes the following:
The reasons brainstorming fails are instructive for other forms of group work, too. People in groups tend to sit back and let others do the work; they instinctively mimic others' opinions and lose sight of their own; and, often succumb to peer pressure. The Emory University neuroscientist Gregory Berns found that when we take a stance different from the group's, we activate the amygdala, a small organ in the brain associated with the fear of rejection. Professor Berns calls this "the pain of independence."
She also includes the following excellent quote from Steve Wozniak:
Most inventors and engineers I've met are like me ... they live in their heads. They're almost like artists. In fact, the very best of them are artists. And artists work best alone .... I'm going to give you some advice that might be hard to take. That advice is: Work alone... Not on a committee. Not on a team.
She also has an interesting TED talk. As an introvert I feel that both Woz's and her sentiments resonate with me, and I really know what it's like to live in my head, I can't imagine doing good creative work any other way.
As I said the groupthink backlash and pair programming skepticism seems to be something of a hot topic at the moment, see this compendium post on InfoQ which includes some these and other links. Obviously communication is essential in a multi-person software project but is pair programming over doing it? It just feels like a coding buzz kill to me.
The following two talks are some additional interesting and relevant neuroscience related resources:
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